Press & Media
Xos by Jos – Drinkable Art with the Investment Potential of Liquid Gold
14 February 2023
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Wealth is providence who build solid wealth base will never focus on short-term gains, and history of the art of single rare malts that have been perfected across the Isles, Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland for centuries. It is a special alchemy between man and nature that elicits the unique peaty, sweet, smokey, often seaweed scents distinct to each distillery. A special collection for discerning connoisseurs, collectors and investors.
Jos was showcased on ‘Luxury Watcher’ for the first time in 2023 and the Founder Lina Lam was interviewed for the collectible whiskies and the new establishment of Jos (Xos by Jos). During the interview, she revealed that Xos by Jos was founded at the end of the year 2022, and the brand will be focusing on precious metals, art pieces and rare malt whisky collections. Xos by Jos hopes to bring out the value of “Drinkable Art” and expects liquid gold to perform meaningfully at the new era. In Issue 94, Xos by Jos presents selected whisky collections from silent distilleries, including Littlemill and Imperial, which telling the story behind these silent distilleries throughout the years.
「堯」Xos by Jos – 具有投資潛力的「液體黃金」及「可飲用藝術品」。
「約」Jos 於 2023 年首次在「世界高級品」雜誌(Luxury Watcher)上刊登,創始人林麗娜女士(Lina Lam)就珍藏威士忌和「約」Jos 的新成立的分公司「堯」Xos by Jos 接受了採訪。在採訪中,她透露 Xos by Jos 成立於 2022 年底,該品牌將專注於貴金屬、藝術品和稀有麥芽威士忌等系列。「堯」Xos by Jos 希望可發揮「可飲用的藝術品」的價值,期待液體黃金在新時代有更有意義的表現。在雜誌的第 94 期中,「堯」 Xos by Jos 展示了來自 Littlemill 和 Imperial 等消失了的釀酒廠的精選威士忌系列,細說這些年來在沉默的釀酒廠背後的不同故事。
#Jos_Lina_Lam #Jos_Lina
#林麗娜 #麗娜
Enjoy to Manage the Props Design in 2023 – Section 4
10 January 2023
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In 2023, Jos will keep up with the cooperation with World Wrist Watch Magazine, designing props setting for various well-known watches. In Issue 174, Jos presents precious metals with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and some banknotes from different countries, those displays harmonized with watches including Breitling, Chopard, Patek Philippe, and Rolex. These highly commemorative precious metals and banknotes carry out extravagance and nostalgia to the scene, prompting people to treasure time.
Jos於2023年將延續以往與《世界腕錶雜誌》的合作,為不同名錶設置場景。在174期中,獻上印有已故英國女王伊利沙伯二世肖像的銀幣以及來自不同國家的紙幣,由它們配搭展示百年靈 (Breitling) 、蕭邦 (Chopard) 、百達翡麗 (Patek Philippe) 、勞力士 (Rolex) 4款腕脿。這些極具紀念價值的銀幣和紙幣,為寶貴的腕錶輝映出貴氣和懷舊之情,使人憶起時間的珍貴,不要白白讓歲月流逝。
XoS by JoS
17 December 2022
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**Xos by Jos (Curated Collectible 精挑細選的珍品系列) **
Xos by Jos 覆蓋中性化至男性化的產物;覆蓋範圍有: 威士忌,罕有威士忌,儲蓄型及收藏型的貴金屬錢幣(
有興趣可以蒞臨炮台山旗艦店瀏覽新的**Xos by Jos**系列。
Coin Order Form (Dec 2022) – Click Here
“Wheel for Oneness” 極地同行 – 水上樂園共融音樂會 2022
29 October 2022
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“Wheel for Oneness” 極地同行 – 水上樂園共融音樂會 2022, Jos feel honor who got chance to get involve at this meaningful activity.
Special honor to Mr. Wong Jon for his creative crossover. And feel proud of what Mr. Steve Lo has achieved – The chairman of “Wheel for Oneness”.
很佩服他們的理念和決心,用這種人力拉車,帶 輪椅使用者 參加越野活動!可以出一分力,很感恩!” 黃奬感言

World Wrist Watch Magazine, issue 171
1 October 2022
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Props Design for “World Wrist Watch Magazine 世界腕錶雜誌”, issue 170 (Link)
Jos is honoured to show the vivid watches through the scene setting in World Wrist Watch Magazine (世界腕錶雜誌). In this issue, 4 watches from Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Omega, and Tudor are displayed through soft and distinctive fabrics, bringing brilliance to the watches.