Ms. Addy Wong
遇上Jos《約》是三年前的事。當年因一個推廣香港中式長衫製作技藝的活動,打算穿一襲個人化的訂製長衫出席,同時又想嘗試一些融合傳統與創新變調的設計,在尋找合適的裁縫師傅時,同事就介紹Jos給我。那時,同事亦剛嘗試在Jos訂造長衫,看過她在Jos 選用的布料和長衫設計,立刻喜歡,就決定要嘗試這間初成立、「非傳統」的長衫訂製店。
Mr. Andrew Leung & Mrs. Hailey Leung
Thank you Jos for making my wedding much better than I could ever dreamt of.
The classic and elegant pieces of wearable art make my wedding truly unforgettable, it’s only our first ever experience and I am already immersed in the refined beauty created by traditional Cheongsam and the extraordinary design of Jos.
Ms. Betty Yuen
第一次走進Jos,它給了你特別的感覺,樸實中帶著一種風韻,一套套優雅而時尚的旗袍及復古的珠光寶器展現眼前,好似將你帶回到久遺了的年代,有詩意!這絕對代表著Jos 創作人背後獨特的情懐和深深誠意,不隨波逐流。
Mr. Charles Brian-boys
Lina and her team at Jos were tireless in helping me to find exactly the right piece of jewellery to celebrate an important anniversary. Their advice and careful selection of a range of options for my consideration and their incredible professionalism helped me to select a perfect classic, deep cornflower blue sapphire ring, captivating and beautiful in both its simplicity and elegance. This is the sort of very personal service that Jos consistently provide which is so rare in commercial jewellers today. I highly recommend talking to Lina and her team whenever a thoughtful and tasteful piece is important to celebrate a special occasion.
Ms. Charlotte Ko
The flow of fabric; The beauty of posture; The style mixes with modern and classic; The hand stitch combines with culture and happiness.
You never tire of it when things are classy and fabulous. Just like you never find JOS go out of style when you find how elegant and unique they are. Thank you for the timeless piece you designed for me on the most important day of my life.
Ms. Clara Leung
“ JOS 在三年前(2019)開業時,有幸獲邀參與其推廣活動。本來對珠寶首飾是 一竅不通的我,經老闆娘的親和、友善、悉心介紹解說下,使我對古典珠寶首飾增長了知識繼而產生了興趣。初賞在JOS 選購首飾,這幾年來也仍然喜愛在JOS 挑選特別的珠宝首飾, 而價錢方面非常合理,可作收藏及增值呢!我現時已有收藏了好幾套首飾, 有些是古董级的,有些是簡潔而獨特的設計,可以每天上班, 休閒外出配戴。增添了不少自己的氣質和自信。
我也曾在JOS 選購一鑽石項鏈及珍珠吊咀送給一20來歲親人作為出嫁禮物,當事人非常喜愛!
衷心感謝JOS 給我的意見 選擇, 未來會繼續增潤我 欣賞古典首飾的想法。”
Little twins - Ms. Desiree Cheng
My friends and counterparts praised my jade earrings I bought at Jos. Its aura is so unique and extraordinary that mix and match with any of my outfits. If you need precious, authentic and genuine jewelleries, Jos will be definitely your choice! Its products tell story and represent your attitude.
Ms. Diana Li
Ms. Erin Chan
Whenever I put on my Jos jewelry, people will ask me where to buy. Being a fan of classic, timeless, subtle but fine jewelry wear, Jos is always my first priority to find the most suitable pieces for myself and my mother. Also, they use fabric wisely so you won’t feel their Cheongsam old school. If you need a classy Cheongsam to a decent event, Jos is where you should go.
Ms. Esther Poon
Lina designed & made a beautiful , unique and chic gown for me to wear at the wedding banquet of my daughter. The craftsmanship of her team is impeccable. It’s my pleasure to introduce Jos & Lina to anyone who is looking for perfection.
Ms. Isabelle Lam
“Inheritance…This words sounds heavy in responsibility, to flourish and to pass it on. But Lina choose change and communion. From Cheongsam to fashion, from fine jewelleries to timeless pieces, from clients to friends, from professional advise to carve. I do enjoy the visits to Jos, you always show me the nice and suitable ones, while no pressure at all.”
Ms. Ivy Chau
Dr. Julie Yu
Mr. Jordan Lau
初接觸Jos《約》是Art History 系列,有別於傳統長衫的布花,大胆將各藝術史上特徵呈於設計中,穿著者除了覺得衣服吸睛,更會因了解圖案上的文化,對自身氣質添加信心,朋友在讚美你之餘,你亦可跟他娓娓而談。
Ms. May Tang
You can gain fabulous experiences when visiting the Jos Flagship Store. Jos not only has valuable antique jewelleries and unique Qipao, it also widened my horizons with the owner’s personal collection in the showroom. I learned a lot from the owner herself. Highly recommended to shop in Jos.
Ms. Monica Wong
很多人說現在手持現金並不保值,那應該購買那些產品才可保住你的財富呢?對於沒有投資經驗的我,只有對黃金有少量認知,實在是一竅不通。最後,我選擇了買賣珠寶作保值的工具。面對五花八門的珠寶店,應如何選擇才可保值?我決定選擇一間有良好商譽的店舖。透過電視及雜誌的介紹,我認識了”JOS “。JOS 是一間低調而鎖售優質手飾的珠寶店。負責人林小姐珠寶知識廣博,她會先了解客人的需要,悉心介紹設計獨特,又能保值的產品予你。林小姐並非只向客人推售貴價的寶石,要知能買得「心頭好」及有一定潛在升值能力的寶石,非我這種顧客懂得選擇的!多謝在JOS 的優質購物體驗,讓人買得放心又稱心!
Ms. Patie Tang
I still remember the grand opening ceremony of Jos in 2017. Since then, I would only add new jewelry items to my jewelry collection from Jos, no matter it’s for investment, or wedding gift to my dearest friends. Jos knows very well that I am looking for only high quality, high investment potential and unique piece of jewelry, and what she sources for me can fit what my needs every single time. Jos professional team also offers me extended services like getting the formal gemstone certificates after purchases, and guaranteed refund if there is any issue with the gemstone. Jos is definitely more than a jewelry shop in the market.
Ms. Rebecca Hui
I know Jos in 2018 when I was looking for a Mother of the Bride Dress for my daughter’s wedding banquet. When I first came to their shop, I was thrilled to see a wide selection of Italian fabrics with beautiful embroidery, braids and lace. Jos gave me professional advice in fabric and colour/design selection. Their tailoring skill was also superb.
I love this very unique evening dress – it’s a modified cheongsam in coral peach with subtle lace and braids, a blend of traditional and contemporary design. The dress is timeless and provides comfort, ease of movement and above all a graceful and stylish finish. I have no doubt recommend Jos to my friends
Ms. Shita Yuen
Ms. Winnie Tong
There are full of miracles in Jos. I have witnessed their transformation and development from the beginning till now. At first, there were many uncertainties and doubts. But when time passed, with the passion and effort of the founder, Lina, who took up the challenges and tackled all the problems positively, eventually proves to everyone their success. People are all impressed by the concept of ‘wearable art’ which combined art and traditional craftsmanship in a cheongsam. Their uniqueness and passion is a key to success, i will definitely introduce Jos to all my friends and families.